About Me

“I do – and I teach!”  I earned my BFA from Syracuse University in Advertising Design while employed full-time as art director at prominent advertising agencies in upstate New York. With extensive agency experience came the opportunity to develop a variety of successful designs for regional clients that showcased high-end corporate design and branding as well as powerful retail and promotional advertising… right out of college.

I continued my career as art director for many well-known Syracuse advertising agencies; most of them merged or gone now, only to be remembered as fond memories much like bell bottom jeans and Volkswagen bugs.

Currently, as professor at S.I. Newhouse School of Communications and at SUNY Onondaga Community College, I teach design and drawing courses. My teaching philosophy is to “pay it forward”; impart my real world experiences and my tricks of the trade along with assignments that reflect real life. I pair this with strategies to succeed and solutions to create portfolios that get the job.

As creative director and publication designer for Syracuse Woman magazine, I have taken Syracuse’s exclusive women’s publication from good to great by re-tooling and elevating its “look and feel” with new font treatments and page layouts.

As art director for an upstate New York, startup boutique advertising agency for over eight years, you’ll see my creative talent spilled all over their web pages (and mine). A tail-wagging success story!

As executive co-producer for a series of documentaries that reveal the true origins of some of America’s most popular foods and a series on WWII veterans, I was able to help direct shoots, provide art direction and influence the visual aesthetics of the programs as well as assist in the editing and promotion processes. Both of these series aired on national television and are available on Amazon Prime.

If you like what you see, you know what to do.


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